Saturday, June 11, 2011

Drawing / Balance

Sometimes the clowns may jump and tease but i just smile at them because they can't disturb the peaceful landscape.

Sometimes, keeping the balance seems an impossible trick.
The only way to reach it is by putting everything back on its place again, patiently.
'Till the birds do find a place to rest.

Drawing challenge this week is hosted by the lovely Ariane over at  Die rose .
Thanks Ariane.

Wishing you all a beautiful balanced weekend !
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  1. I like the black and white one, its perfect, with the birds sitting on those weights.

  2. Wow, dear Renilde,
    that figures, the faces, the colour, look at their posture! Amazing, they really balancing. Both paintings are marvellous.
    Thank you very much, even for the sentence: 'The only way to reach it is by putting everything back on its place again, patiently.' Great!

    x Ariane.

  3. I love both- but the black and white one has lovely texture and depth from the collage and the sentence makes me laugh- balance always seems to ride on many little things coming together to settle :)

  4. i love both too, but the black and white is especially eye catching :)

  5. you are such a talented artist Renilde. those are just beautiful!
    happy balanced weekend to you as well!

  6. Mijn amiga:

    Muy bello tu sitio de arte. Disculpa no me atrevo con mi mal inglés.

    Abrazos fraternos en Amistad y Poesía verdaderas,

    Frank Ruffino.

    P.D. Te dejo enlace de "Escritores de alrededor", antología virtual del estimadísimo poeta Santiago Medina, quien me ha publicado varios textos escritos recientemente y subidos también a mi espacio -blog-.


  7. I LOVE these two pieces!! Very nice. So archetype and artsy. Whimsical. Well done friend.

  8. the black'n'white painting does it for me. i love the newspaper history shining through, it's so layered, and i am very much intrigued by what the woman is juggling...
    (reading ms smart's comment)... so thàt is what i've sensed all this time, since i come looking into your blog... archetypal. mhmmm.

  9. la segunda pintura es genial. el papel de periódico aporta mucho al dibujo.

  10. like the black and white the best
    the layering, the newspaper, the balance

    and like Ariane, that sentence

    thank you!

  11. What I most love about your work Renilde is that it looks beautiful with its colors and design and BALANCE, but it also has so much in it to make you think and feel things - always a whole world with all its stories in every image!

  12. dear renilde, two tigers said it all! i love both paintings too! hugs, julia

  13. they are both beautiful works of art but i simply LOVE the black and white balance act with the birds :)) thank you renilde

  14. Love the black and white drawing and the attempt to balance it all.
    The newspaper as background is beautiful!

  15. Dear Renilde:

    It is the same with me: do not worry. Neither the Chinese must be handicap for art. Images of your blog and captivated me themselves, the Chinese, have a very pure wisdom in this saying something like: "A picture speaks a thousand words. "

    Friendship and fraternal hugs in real poetry,

    Frank Ruffino.

  16. Thank you all so much for visiting and commenting, you brought many smiles on my face.
