Tuesday, June 11, 2013

laundry night


  1. Beautiful and imaginative artwork. Annette x

  2. Im clapping Renilde....just beautiful!
    My eye follows her gaze up to the owl and out to the balcony but always comes back to the little red basket.

    Helen x

  3. Owl as protector, or observer? This so reminds me of living in New York City as a child, only we would hang our laundry on the roof, and later complain of the cinders and dust on the dried clothes!

  4. I love the layering of clothes lines. I love the importance of laundry, whether done in the country with fresh air and a whole field of land to support a single line as long as can be built, or an inner courtyard where the lines can be still on the ground but perhaps side by side and the wind catching the sheets into each other and where hide and seek can be easy, or on a skinny street in the city where lines can be strung from building to building and even in this case, one stacked above the other. I enjoy clothes hanging on a picket fence, or strewn along a balcony railing. I love the big blue cloth (perhaps a bed spread cover) and the pinkish colour of the lighted rooms. The owl will have had to maneuver carefully and try not to poop in flight. What a great painting Renilde! N, x

  5. profesión: ilustradora de cuentos

  6. wapperende kleding aan een waslijn
    vind ik een prachtig beeld
    en dan ook nog een uil!


  7. A Marvelous image
    . Great negative space created with the laundry shapes. Much mystery.

  8. Renilde, my friend, can I say that this painting is spooky?
    Actually I think it's a metaphysical painting
    but there is something more, gives a little scary :(((
    I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
    you have a lot inside your head to say! ;))

  9. This is a wonderful painting, great contrast between the owl drawing and the dark windows.

  10. I love owls and I love your wonderful picture!
    :-) mano

  11. this is wonderful
    i love the large owl mixed with the laundry and buildings ~
