Monday, April 30, 2012


(click to enlarge)

A family of great tits lives in the birdhouse, 
mother and father are immensely busy feeding the little ones.
The young birds make a lot of noise, i wonder how many there are...


  1. Isn't it gratifying when they take up the homes we offer them?

  2. You reminded me to take care of the birds also!!
    Have a happy week!!!

  3. young birds? so early? I love this "noise"! every year we have a pair of peregrine falcons nearby, they have one or two young ones. it's so great to bird them!

  4. now what have we here. babies. mommy and daddy. a home.

    i love nature....

    thank you.

  5. That's great! so nice to have new neighbors ;) and it is amazing how loud and demanding baby birds are

  6. dearest renilde, would you like to join me into the next theme UNDERWATER WORLD LIFE/LOVE
    so please come over and sign in! x julia

  7. Hi Renilde

    arent they so cute I love how industrious they are. I also love their house on the side of the brick wall they must have a splendid view!

    Great pics see you on the weekend for the challenge!

    Helen :)

  8. Ahhh so sweet! Looking at this brings so much happiness isn't it? Bij mij achter broedt een waterhoentje. Ze zit daar al een tijdje midden op het water, op haar nest. Als het hard regent denk ik altijd aan dat kleine dappere wezentje op het water. Het mannetje zwemt af en aan met eten voor haar en takjes om het nest nog mooier en steviger te maken. Zo lief, zo ontroerend.....
    Lieve groetjes, xoxo

  9. Great tits? or Gray tits LOL

    :-} Lorraine

    1. hello Lorraine, they seem both to excist but the ones here are great ;)
