Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thriftshopping again..

time is sand sliding from one place to another

sand and fire; a glass candlestick
some light for the darker evenings,

a vintage colouring book full of animals.

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  1. Thrifting is pure pleasure for me.

    I love the hour glass! Watching time. I fall into day dreaming when I watch the hour glass.

    Wishing you a wonderful day, dear faraway friend.

  2. What great discoveries! May they bring joy to your home.

  3. Very deep thoughts of looking back in time..
    Greetings from Greece!!

  4. you have touched my heart, thank you very much.
    i have been dealing with some love life problem, and it is not so easy to create things with tears inside me.

    i hope you are well, you are a beautiful person.


    ps: i love that vintage colouring book, my daddy used to buy me them when i was little.

  5. Hello, Renilde !!!!!
    I've seen this post, and, besides the notebook with drawings of animals, which I liked a lot. I've been inside my head the phrase, "The time is sand sliding from one place to another"
    and I thought, not only in sand inside a watch, I thought in the desert sand in the wind. So goes life?
    So go away, and it appears anywhere else?. I will write something about it. thanks!

  6. Thanks!!

    dear Mita, things are always changing, sometimes quickly sometimes slow, but the tears will dry and there will a smile again, take good care, xx

    Roberto, i will keep an eye on your touching writings, xx
