Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An extra room

The weather is very soft and warm and I can be found in the garden many hours a day.
Pruning and sowing , admiring and just sitting and letting my thoughts flow.
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  1. Hello Renilde! my goodness I did not realize how close I was to you on our trip!..I love all the little box/topiary gardens I saw in Belgium...I regret not taking more photographs. I envy the fact that you are so close to all those wonderful markets! xx Col ~ Afrique du Sud

  2. oh it looks lovely. we are having some cold and rainy days here in málaga :(

  3. Gardens are such a wonderful spiritual journey!

    Great photos! Thank you!

  4. Beautiful photos- I love the serenity of a spot in the garden- yours looks particularly lovely-xx

  5. Heerlijk, ik ben ook gek op de tuin. :-)
