Wednesday, November 21, 2012

captivated by collages and mixed media

(last dance of the roses)

the ideas and images keep coming,
 there's something very 
satisfying about finding the right paper, cutting and tearing the forms and building up layers

 there is a shortage of natural light, daylight , i stop painting when the 
darkness sets in but it doesn't hold me back from cutting and gluing.


  1. it is really a wonderful collage and how nice you can use the dark hours being creative too :)

  2. I'm a great fan of collages - yours are excellent. love your motifs very much, the fox, the wolf, the crane, the dancing woman! :-) mano

  3. Oh my, Renilde - i so much admire your collages - the last dance of the roses is rich with symbols. I could look at this a long time. -sus

  4. Hi, Renilde, this is wonderful what you're doing!!!!!! and it's a pleasure to see :)))))))))))))))
    I think you're exercising composition, right?
    and what I see is you are getting very good results
    the red dot in the first picture is a detail of yours masterfully!!! :)))
    I love this, I can not stop looking at it!

  5. it´s already a bit about the new drawing challenge?!
    very nice, I love the flowers and the human fox/wolf.
    x Stefanie

  6. Marvellous,
    dear Renilde!
    The collage... wow... and those fox and goose, that overlappings, the unfinished makes it so exciting. wow, again.

    x Ariane.

  7. i'm speechless my dear renilde! the fox had!!!
    it is so great to see that there is really something going on in your work!
    exciting! keep on composing, catch the flow, can't wait to see more!
    love, julia

  8. Very nice collages!
    Love the second!
    Today I spent the afternoon making a collage mail art;o)
    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice weekend****

  9. Oh what beautiful creations! Love them... I too am struggling with the darkness

  10. i've yet to find the satisfaction in finding the right paper when collaging.
    but you have captured it.
